Welcome to iJoe Inbound Marketing!
There are 4 basic questions you need to ask yourself regarding the content of your website.
Will people know what I do within seconds?
Will they understand what page they’re on and what it’s about?
Will they know what to do next?
Why should they buy/subscribe/download from this site instead of from someone else?
Ideally, you want your visitors to know the answers to these questions. It should be readily apparent what your site is about, what they can do there and why they should take action.
Not sure where to get started?
Get your answers here. Call us now to ask that very question.
For free, we will answer any marketing questions you have about getting your business found online.
iJoe is a seasoned marketer with a broad range of experience.
Call Monday – Friday between 9-11 am CST. Or, ask your question on our contact page.
Its all free just for the asking.
iJoe is savvy about defining audience and targeting them.