There are many reasons why you may consider this. Cost is a top reason why you may develop a Facebook page over a new website. The obvious popularity and functionality makes it an easier choice to go with. If you have an old HTML website and prefer not to pay a webmaster for making updates, a Facebook Page is a great option.
Think of your Facebook Page as a lean version of your website.
Include content relevant to engaging customers and acquiring new ones on your new Facebook Page. Your page should include everything a customer needs to know to be in business with you. As an added bonus your page will be connected to a network of 750 million people with a built-in membership component (Fans/Likes).
You can choose to create a basic Facebook page or a storefront (F-Commerce) where you sell items. Facebook is a proven tool where you can create a community around your business and generate leads for your business. And, get found by people who are searching for your products and services.
A basic Facebook page may include some extra tabs and apps. Click here for basic tips. The tabs may include a restaurant menu, a place for email subscriptions, a tab for weekly promotions/events, and a direct link to your YouTube channel. See example below. Apps could include the following.
Fan of the Week – This app automatically picks a Fan of the Week based on interaction and posts the message about the new Fan each week.
Booshaka – This application shows a list of all your top Fans by how much they interact with you.
Keep in mind anything you can dream of putting on your website you can put on your Facebook page. Some businesses sell products and use their Facebook page as a storefront. If you are not willing to add ecommerce to your old HTML website, this is a great option. Along with all the benefits of being on Facebook, you can sell directly from here. View basic Facebook page example 1 and/or example 2.
Facebook storefront (F-Commerce) features could include real-time inventory checks, social rewards (Coupons), exclusive-offer technology (Gift Cards) and a social product-launch feature, which creates momentum for new products by offering fans and followers exclusive early access. Shopigniter can assist you with bringing your page to the storefront level. Click here to learn about Shopigniter’s unique Social Promotions Engine and best overall functionality.
Learn how to start showcasing your products on Facebook here. Its as easy as uploading one product at time or a csv file for many products. If your looking for visual inspiration, check out the top 50 Facebook Stores and Facebook Store Solutions here.
Attaining metrics is an important and necessary function used to market your website. A Facebook Page can offer that same function. You have a few options, use Facebook’s built-in tool Insights, Google Analytics or HubSpot.
Once you have the infrastructure built, you need to create a content calendar. It’s as simple as plugging ideas into a weekly calendar and deciding what you will post on what days. Be creative, engaging and consistent.
In Summary, small to medium businesses don’t always have the resources to invest in getting their websites up to date or creating a new one. With a Facebook Page you can create a dynamic online presence that is both relevant and cost efficient.
Start now with these guides by HubSpot: How to use Facebook for Business and How to Master Facebook Marketing in 10 days.